About me
At what age did you start playing: 8
How has hockey helped you: It’s made me more brave and stronger
Favourite Pre-game ritual: Have a healthy lunch
Favourite Bison Player: Gael Lubwele
Favourite NHL Player: Patrick Kane
Does your jersey number have any significance: Because my brothers jersey number is 91 so I thought it would be cool to switch the numbers round
Funniest teammate: MaxÂ
What teammate has the best hair: AlbieÂ
Do you have a party trick: No
If you could spend all your parent’s money, what would you buy: A puppy
Favourite food & drink: Pizza & Coca Cola
Favourite Song: AC/DC – ThunderstruckÂ
Favourite Film: Home Alone
Pineapple on Pizza, yes or no: No!
Goal, Assist or Great Save: Goal
Hi-Five, Fist Bump or Stick tap: Stick Tap
Do you have a favourite highlight from playing for the Junior Bison: When I got spirit of the game
If you could be anyone for a day, who would you choose? I don’t know
What superpower would you choose: Teleport
What my parents think: Chloe is really enjoying the training and being part of the team
My favourite photo