About me
At what age did you start playing: 8
How has hockey helped you: Hockey makes me think more positive and given me confidence
Favourite Pre-game ritual: No
Favourite Bison Player: Aiden Doughty
Favourite NHL Player: Wayne Gretzky
Does your jersey number have any significance: Ever since I was little I like that number
Funniest teammate: Reggie Howe
What teammate has the best hair: Reggie
Do you have a party trick: I can bend my back really weird
If you could spend all your parent’s money, what would you buy: A new ice rink for Basingstoke
Favourite food & drink: Pizza & Prime
Favourite Song: AC/DC Thunderstruck
Favourite Film: Goon
Pineapple on Pizza, yes or no: Yes!
Goal, Assist or Great Save: Goal
Hi-Five, Fist Bump or Stick tap: Fist Bump
Do you have a favourite highlight from playing for the Junior Bison: Man of the Match for England
If you could be anyone for a day, who would you choose? Wayne Gretzky
What superpower would you choose: To be mega strong
My Parents favourite memory: Something ‘clicked’ for Ollie when he started playing ice hockey. Favourite memory to date is the same as his own… him getting Man of the Match when he played for England (there were tears!)
My favourite photo